1lb bag Bright and Early 1918 blend arabica coffee
2.5 lb resealable bag Bright and Early Coffee 1918 blend arabica coffee
2 2.5 lb bags resealable Bright and Early coffee 1918 blend arabica coffee
antique Bright and early coffee can with 1918 blend 1 lb bag with a photo of salesman with 1918 blend back in 1920

1918 Blend "Texas Best Seller"

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Enjoy our signature 1918 coffee blend, which is a medium roast coffee blend of South and Central American coffees. Fresh-roasted beans are blended according to the same specifications of our founder, H. M. Duncan, who began serving and selling this blend back in the year 1918. Taste the coffee that put our company on the map and has sustained a richly delicious flavor for generations of Texans. Buy our 1918 coffee blend and savor the origins of the Duncan Coffee Company, currently known as Bright and Early Coffee. Choose between four options of how you prefer your coffee ground, whether for automatic drip machines or French presses. Whole beans are available as well! Enjoy our 1918 Blend and taste a bit of Texas!